Just before Christmas, we received 20 inches of snow and then an ice storm came through. It coated the trees with thick ice causing many of our oak tree branches to snap completely off. The Douglas Fir trees seemed to fare pretty well, but the sound of trees cracking and breaking apart at night is heart wrenching, to say the least. Fortunately, nothing landed on the house or outbuildings. As a result of all the trees falling, our road was closed for several days. We also lost electricity.

On Christmas Eve, the hard working crews of the power company managed to turn our electricity back on and we had power again. What a wonderful Christmas gift that was! Believe me, there is something totally eerie about being without electricity living on a road that is closed and nearly impassable.

I had planned to work on Block of the Month and other quilt projects at my sewing machine. Instead, I alternated between doing hand embroidery work and trying to keep myself and the dachsunds warm. We huddled together in the recliner under warm quilts. And believe me, you know it's cold when the cat climbed under a quilt to join us.
Now that the ice has melted, the electricity has come back on, and the roads are passable again, I've been busy working on those same quilt projects I intended to get to earlier. There's a Block of the Month quilt, a shop hop quilt, and several other smaller samples in various stages of development in the sewing room at home, plus calendars and other end of the year items to attend to at work.
On New Year's Eve, my husband and I were so tired from all of the outside clean-up projects that needed to be done, we decided against staying up late. Instead, we turned on the television, and watched Anderson Cooper usher in 2009 with the crystal ball drop in New York City. When it's midnight in the Big Apple, it's 9:00 pm in Oregon. We called it a night and decided the New Year could get here without us. I spent New Year's Day filling mail orders at the shop; then retreated to the sewing room again. Sewing is a great way to begin the New Year, don't you think?
I'm looking forward to 2009 as a year filled with beautiful quilts and fun projects. How has your New Year begun?
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