Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Million Pillowcase Challenge Update

We just checked in with the Counter for the One Million Pillowcase Challenge and added even more pillowcases that have been generously donated by our customers! To date, we have added 583 pillowcases to the national total. We are hoping to have donated 1,000 pillowcases by December 31, 2010 and we need your help to achieve this goal.

I noticed when I went to the website that there have been a total of 167,942 pillowcases donated nationwide. Click here to see the current national pillowcase count. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the donors who are helping us give pillowcases to the non-profit organizations in Polk County. We are definitely doing our part to help in this worthwhile effort.

Throughout 2010, Grandma's Attic is asking you to make pillowcases and bring them to the shop where they will be donated to Polk County Area non-profit organizations. Each pillowcase is counted; then sent to the agencies.

If you'd like to get ideas for pillowcases that you can make, American Patchwork & Quilting has free pillowcase patterns available. Patterns are updated quarterly so there's bound to be something that catches your interest. You can make your pillowcases from any 100% cotton fabrics that you have or purchase. I think the only requirement is that they be standard size, clean, and something that you yourself would be proud to use!

Thank you for considering this worthwhile cause. Seana picked out a nice Asian style fabric to make a pillowcase for this project. You can order a kit just like it at our pillowcase kits page! Isn't it beautiful? The best part is that right now, our pillowcase kits are on sale--buy one kit, get the second half price. The sale price will not show up in our webstore. All you have to do is enter the phrase pillowcase kit sale in the comments section of your web order and we'll take care of the discount on our end when your order is received.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea of making a pillowcase into a dress & have now begun to do it myself for my church. Thank you for writing about it!

    God Bless.
